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29. If I were the Prime Minister of India

29. If I were the Prime Minister of India
India is a democratic country. The people are the real rulers. They elect their representatives to the Parliament. The leader of the majority party is chosen to run the Govt. He has a team of cabinet ministers to help him in his heavy duties.

At present the country is passing through difficult times. There is a danger from her immediate neighbours — China and Pakistan. She can expect an attack on her borders any time. The economic condition of the country is far from satisfactory. The prices of the necessities of life-foodgrains, cloth, etc.— are rising everyday. There is discontentment and violence. Leftist forces are gathering strength. The wealth of the country is in the hands of the few rich — the Tatas, the Birlas and the Dalmias.

If I were the Prime Minister of India, I would tap all the sources and see that the money now in the hands of a few is utilised by the nation at large. Once this huge amount is under the control of the government, the disparity which exists between the rich and the poor, between the haves and the have-nots would disappear. This money can then be used to better the lot of the poorer classes. I would give top priority to education, agriculture and setting up of new industries. These schemes would provide food for all, protection against disease and old age and better housing facilities. There would be work for all. Production would increase. Unemployment would disappear. There would be no discontentment. The country would move on the path of progress.

My next step as Prime Minister would be to strengthen1 the defence of the country. I would see that enough funds are set apart for defence production. Ordnance factories would be set up. Aeroplanes, bombers and modern weapons of warfare would be manufactured in India. The armed forces would be equipped with the most sophisticated weapons. The country would be a match for any enemy that dares attack her.

Next I would turn my attention to wide spread corruption, nepotism and favouritism in government offices. I would see that all corrupt officials are punished. I know that this is a difficult work. Some of the party men are likely to be found guilty. I would, however, be very hard on those who are found guilty. I would, surely invite much criticism for this but I would not mind it. I know that the country is with me in my noble work. The office of the Prime Minister is not a bed of roses. The Prime Minister has to tackle many problems. I am sure I would solve these problems one by one.

We had the annual sports day of our school the other day. I took active part in the various events. The sports day began with the races—the hundred meter race, the 400 meter race, the 300 metre race and one mile race. The last event was the most keenly contested one. Most of the competitors were exhausted4 in the first round and gave in. Only three remained in the field. The one who was last, made an effort in the last round and won. There was loud applause.

The hurdle race1 also provided a good deal of fun. My friend Satish got over all the hurdles with ease and was declared first. The other races which we enjoyed were the potato race, the three-legged race and the slow cycle race. I took part in the slow cycle race and won the first prize.
Now came the long and high jumps. I participated in both the events. Luck, however, did not favor me. The one who was the tallest of all won both the events. The other events of the day were the shot-put, the discus throw and the javelin throw. I did not take part in any one of them. One of my closest friends, however, won in all these events.

The last event of the sports was the tug-of-war. It proved very interesting. Both the teams were evenly matched It was largely the skill of my friends that made them win the game. When they failed to gain even an inch, the captain ordered a change. This had the desired effect. The team now began to pull. Soon the anchor of the other team was clean dragged out. My friends won.

At 4 o’clock there was a march past of all the athletes. The Principal of my school took the salute. It was a grand sight to see the athletes march with measured footsteps and the swinging of the arms. The last event of the day was the prize distribution The Director of Education was the guest of the evening. He gave away the prizes to the winners. It was a day of great excitement.

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